Product Specifications
ISO 8217: 2017
ISO 8217:2017 specifies seven categories of distillate fuels, one of which is for diesel engines used for emergency purposes. It also specifies six categories of residual fuels in regards to Hydrogen Sulphide on Marine Distillates.
To see the relevant fuel spec, click on the relevant grade below:
ISO 8217: 2012
The only difference between ISO 8217:2012 and ISO 8217:2010 is the delayed effective date for the limits for Hydrogen Sulphide on Marine Distillates.
To see the relevant fuel spec, click on the relevant grade below:
ISO 8217: 2010
ISO Specs 2010 takes over from 2005 and is an attempt not only to improve fuel specifications but also reduce emissions. To note 2010 is still not available everywhere – with even the main ports such as Singapore not always able to guarantee availability of the spec.
To see the relevant fuel spec, click on the relevant grade below:
ISO 8217: 2005
ISO Specs 2005 – currently the universal specification available. 2010 has been introduced but availability is still sporadic with even the main ports (with the odd exception) not able to guarantee its availability 100% of the time. In its absence usually 2005 is the specification offered and guaranteed – although there are still places that offer it with exceptions on certain parameters.
To see the relevant fuel spec, click on the relevant grade below:
For guaranteed specifications in the port where you require fuel, please contact our sales team today.
The tables taken from ISO — Specifications of marine fuels, are reproduced with the permission of the International Organization for Standardization, ISO. This standard can be obtained from any ISO member and from the Web site of iSO Central Secretariat at the following address:
Copyright remains with ISO.